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Old 06-09-2008, 12:41 PM
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Albertadiver Albertadiver is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
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The last two times I've been to the public range, two almost identical groups showed up.

In both cases there was about 5 young men (I'm just a pup at 26 myself) about the age of 18-24. Among a few different long-guns they had a semi-automatic short barrel .22 with a banana clip which is illegal last time I checked. One group had a handgun in the same rifle case, which I happened to see briefly. They kept it in the case for as long as I was there. I don't want to promote conversations based on nationality, so I'll leave it be that they fit a certain stereotype which made some people on the range uneasy.

They would point the guns all over the place, and had little to no regard for the common range rules, like unloading and making safe your gun before walking downrange to replace targets.

After 10 minutes It was my signal to go home. The other shooters looked to have the same mindset as my wife and I. Did I think about reporting them to the RCMP? Yes. Did I report them? No. They saw my license plate # just as easily as I saw thiers. In hindsight I wished I had called them, but it would have likely been too late for the RCMP to get out there. In fact, I've never seen them or game wardens at the range. Maybe just my luck?
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