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Old 08-18-2012, 09:11 AM
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tacklerunner tacklerunner is offline
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Fish gunner describes it best in laments terms. There is a distinct difference between the 2 in BC. Dollies are essentially sea run bulls just like rainbows vs steelhead. But dollies are now landlocked in BC lakes and rivers because of all the dams. Doesn't mean dollies and bulls can't breed... but that's a whole other can of worms.

Originally Posted by fish gunner View Post
sorry dude people can call them what they wish. they are totally different fish close in color but it ends there. coastal dollies dont snake out with age. they retain a nice chunky bullet shape. not the giant head we often get in the flat lands.
From the BC regs as per the Ministry of Natural Resources:

Had many a day on Kootenay lake catching dollies and bulls back to back. Out there it's easy to tell the difference. Arrow lakes contain mostly dollies vs. bulls.

Slivers, bigger streamers with more white in them on the fly rod. Bucktail jigs on the spinning rod like the one's you've seen that I tied. (Just a streamer tied on a big 1/2 oz - 1 oz jig head)

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