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Old 09-05-2012, 11:00 PM
BeeGuy BeeGuy is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Location: down by the river
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Originally Posted by Fish face View Post
So my buddie and I go down to bearspaw a couple weekends ago. come in the bowness route. didn't mind the walk from the parking area, saw a nice red fox. but now its fenced off and the parking area is behind the fence. so as the masses seem to be doing we hop the fence and go fishing. we finally get to the res and its got 2 high end ski boats ripping around! so it seems this res is for rich folks access only.If you live on it, you have killer access to a "private lake", while your average dudes access is cut even further. I would like to know how come i have to sneak in (the other access is not much better). is this res privately owned? I don't think so. I also made the mistake of showing up at glenmore res at the rowing/canoe club with a canoe on my truck. not a very warm reception there either.
Bearspaw is a pretty sad state of affairs.

I go to the canoe club at glenmore with my canoe pretty regularly to fish.

I give off a pretty strong, don't **** with me vibe and have never had a problem.

Just make sure you read the 22pg document identifying all of the by-laws. They are a pain in the ass.

must be wearing pfd
must have all your safety gear (given)
can not fish from docks
can not anchor or moor
can not exit the craft or go ashore anywhere except the 3 docks on the lake
can not enter the water

and so on...

fortunately there is no rule about crossing the rowing lanes...
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