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Old 10-04-2012, 08:25 PM
leloinjunior leloinjunior is offline
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 42
Default Hunters and Farms: For MikeSpike

Your post & disclaimer begs a few questions before you chastise WolfKiller and become so indignant. Did you grow up on a real farm as opposed to a hobbie farm or an over-sized acreage farm? I was born, raised, & spent half my life on a real farm - grain & beef. Rural area's are changing all the time, small & medium sized farms are almost nonexistent as large cooporations or investment firms are swallowing up a lot of land. When I was growing up our neighbors were all farmers as opposed to having John Doe who build's a house on a quarter or smaller acreage to get out of the city. Our family always let our neighbors hunt on our land because, I (we) also hunted on their land. Your right not all city slickers are poor ambassadors when it comes to hunting in rural areas. However, the reason I asked what kind of farm you grew up on was because from a kid & onward it wasn't uncommon after hunting season to have to close the gates, or fix the snipped fence lines, or fix the fence when some genious's pulled out all the staples then re-staped all 4 lines to the bottom of the fence posts to drive over it with a truck. How many hours of fixing fence have you put in throughout your life time? Also for posted pasture with cattle, we never found neighbors in there, but over the years we did find a good handful of anonymous city slickers trying to hunt in the posted pasture land full of our cattle. And our neighbors also put up with the same kind of problems, so I really don't think it's a distorted or out of proportion "beef" for a lot of landowners/farmers to be leery of city slicker hunters, as WolfKiller had stated.
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