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Old 10-09-2012, 07:21 PM
Chris84 Chris84 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 436

Originally Posted by NSR Monger View Post
when someone calls in to RAP, does anything ever happen??? This is not meant to be sarcastic. Seems to me if you call in, its kinda like calling the useless humans we refer to as "police officers". They will never help when you need them, but if you slip up they sure as hell will be right around the corner to bust you. (no I have never been fined or even warned by F&W, I dont break rules when fishing......just saying if I did I bet they would be right around the corner......)
To each their own, but if I see someone speeding I certainly don't take matters in my own hands. I let the police handle that. If I see a urinal overflowing, Im not going to fix it, I let the appropriate people know so they can do their job and I don't see why I wouldn't do the same for poaching. I'm not in a position to enforce the law, so I abide by it and report when somebody else isn't. Just my two cents.
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