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Old 10-13-2012, 03:47 PM
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Zuludog Zuludog is offline
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Originally Posted by elkmakemecrazy View Post
These bowhunter versus rifle hunter threads are always interesting too me.

Everyone always states the divide is because of "inequality" or it is "unfair" bowhunters have so much more opportunity.

So what people are basically saying with this statement is someone else has something that I want, but instead of taking advantage of the opportunity that exists for everyone people want to take it away from others or change it to meet there wants. This is quite the attitude.

Now if there is an issue relating to actual wildlife management sure put it on draw or close the season. I have no issue with this. Just don't take opportunities away because it is "not equal" or "unfair".
^^ Well put! I just got back into hunting last year after a long lay off. I loved it so much I started bow hunting this year.

I'm one of those guys that is making the most of the opportunites out there and learning to bow hunt. I'm not coming on here whining and trying to take opportunities away from other hunters.

DB - I guess I'm one of those "fake bow hunters" who don't deserve to hunt? When I took up hunting again was I a "rifle hunter" or just a guy pretending to be because I walked around in the bush with a gun? Maybe we should eliminate muzzle loading season altogether, I honestly don't see why they even have it? It's not really a "primitive weapon" anymore is it?
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