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Old 10-14-2012, 08:11 PM
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Originally Posted by curtisb View Post
Well... I read the whole thread and have to say I'm at least 15% stupider... lol
It also did get the blood boiling.

Guys; there are no facts. I think H380 nailed it, 2 sides pitted against one another; and the stronger side will win. Same reason resident Albertan's don't reside in Teepees.

Here's my (3) non factual opions/aguement for the little guy (bowhunter side):

1. there is a big BIG difference between a bowhunter and a guy who bowhunts. BIG difference in menality also.
2. it is exponentially more difficult to harvest an aminal with a bow than a rifle, muzzleloader, or Xbow. for people who hunt with bows, or bowhunters to say that "anyone" can kill an animal with a gun is absolutely ridiculous, borderline out of line.
3. i really and truly believe the numbers of mule deer harvested by bow hunters have no effect on the annual harvest, NONE!. again not based on fact or fiction, purely opinion, the same way SRD are doing it. the 15% doesn't mean anything. (IMO) what is happening now is that the supposid 15% harvest is taking 15% of opportunity(or in some cases more) from the guys who waited for their draw tags. (most of which hunt with guns - whom are the majority - whom ultimately make the decisions.) sad but true.
4. therefore, a draw system will do nothing.

Clear, I think so... an arguement for the ages.

I hunt don't hunt with a bow. I'm a bow hunter, and I know 100% that it's not a battle we can win or will
Well, at least you did qualify this ridiculous statement by saying it is an opinion and is not factual but is held by some.

I have a strong feeling SRD is not going to agree with it as well

I read the whole thread too with an open mind and one thing that sticks out clearly for me is that some bowhunters are not willing to accept they must be considered in the wildlife management plan.

By using the excuse that it will limit opportunity is correct, especially for them. Sure, anyone can bow hunt, there is nothing stopping anyone. That I will not dispute. By saying it will limit opportunity for all is not a fair statement though. If you choose not to bowhunt your opportunity is already being limited by the draw. (bowhunters, don't get your neck hairs up on)

The whole dilemna here will lie in that 15% harvest quota being set aside for the bow hunting season. I don't really know what is the right number there but I would hope SRD can get some good data and analyze it properly. I believe in an open opportunity up to a certain percentage of harvest for bowhunting because of its unique nature.

I feel bow hunters must be willing the accept that they must be part of the mangement plan in principle and the actual data integrity is another matter for discussion but surely that could be straightened out. It is strict for sheep management already.

I think it is fair that SRD would consider managing tag allotment by the choice of weapon in a wildlife management plan. I won't buy into the argument that a completely open season is justified for a one choice of weapon just because of the fact it is much more challenging. If the harvest becomes significant it must be managed a fair draw system. A special season is already allotted for that which is liberal in time frame.

Also many hunters that are bowhunters as well put in for the rifle season draw which gives them opportunity beyond the bow only season.

How could this not be fair and reasonable?

Last edited by AxeMan; 10-14-2012 at 08:17 PM.
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