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Old 10-14-2012, 11:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Dan Boone View Post
Bow hunters are not the only problem. Mismaagement is the largest issue in deed. Land owner tags are going no where, outfitter allocations will never decline.

I have witnessed the slaughters first hand, may have even contributed. I shot a 170 mule deer in 232 during the slaughter. I did not shoot any does or small bucks though. But looking back I wish I had no part in it at all.

Just so you know I am not a deer hunter, I hunt deer. But only shoot every 3-4 years if that.
I've been within bow range of some beautiful WT and mule deer but they needed more years before harvest. I will not shoot a mid size deer with bow just because I'm using a bow.

If I wouldn't shoot it with rifle, why shoot it with bow?
Finally!!! Thank you!

If they managed the herds properly, we wouldn't be having this discussion. And that should be our first concern. We need that fixed first, because otherwise, we are just band aid fixing the problem until the next huge mis management. Then everyone loses more oppoturnity( who knows what that could be. It could be something drastic, like taking away the last 2 weeks in November for all we know).
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