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Old 10-15-2012, 09:28 AM
muledeerking muledeerking is offline
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 228

Originally Posted by gman1978 View Post
i haven't read every post but this may have been touched on already,isnt the answer to the problem simple? Keep the seasons the same just remove the general tags. Everybody puts in for the draw, if you get drawn you can decide if you want to bowhunt in the bowhunting season or rifle hunt in the november season. You can do what ever you want. No changing the rifle season or bow season dates.
Not the point gm. How about we play here. How about we get rid of all rifle tags for 5 years and we won't have a problem as there will be tonnes of deer all over.

Why do people want to keep fighting over this. Prove there is a true problem with bowhunters. There is no proof. Even stated by a guy that is fighting to get it changed stated it is SRD handing out to many riffle tags. Also land owner tags are getting around 2000 mule buck annual. In some zones they have higher kill rates then bow hunters an rifle hunters combined.
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