Thread: Worldviews
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Old 10-21-2012, 11:24 AM
Tactical Lever Tactical Lever is offline
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Originally Posted by avb3 View Post
And here is Dawkin's view of that interview.

Among other things, he states:
My generosity (in granting the interview) was rewarded in a fashion that anyone familiar with fundamentalist tactics might have predicted. When I eventually saw the film a year later 1, I found that it had been edited to give the false impression that I was incapable of answering the question about information content 2. In fairness, this may not have been quite as intentionally deceitful as it sounds. You have to understand that these people really believe that their question cannot be answered! Pathetic as it sounds, their entire journey from Australia seems to have been a quest to film an evolutionist failing to answer it.

Tactical Lever, thanks for telling us the full truth, the complete truth, and nothing but the truth.

Or maybe you did, from your point of view.
I think the 10 second pause, which looks pretty unedited to me says it all. It's a pretty straightforward question, which he claims (by his other speeches) should be easy to answer.
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