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Old 12-04-2012, 04:18 PM
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browning375 browning375 is offline
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Originally Posted by slivers86 View Post
It would be hard to convict if any attempt was made at bending the hook, and it wasn't still clearly untouched. Laws are enforced, but to be convicted, the officer/courts must prove you negligent in either not reading the regs/not knowing, or purposely not doing it... sounds like he/she was looking for tickets...

What does taking a ticket to court wasting the CO's time do? Waste more taxdollars, take up court time, etc.
Take a ticket to court if you are not guilty, not to waste a CO's time. People moan and complain (not saying its you) about there not being enough out there checking people... welll... here's why!
Back up the bus buddy! maybe get the full story before pointing fingers at people. The CO was off duty and in school when the court date happened. If the guy wasnt such a a##$ole about the situation there would be no problem. I felt very satisfied he had to drive 4hrs one way to appear in court for 10 mins, for such a stupid ticket when a warning would have been a way better choice. Part of these guys jobs are to help educate people not to just hand out tickets, a little understanding and compassion goes a long way.

My wife is still upset over the situation and how we were treated like criminals because of a stupid hook. It's not only scared her but also has made her less interested in the sport because of one bad experience with an over achieving CO !
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