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Old 12-05-2012, 05:28 PM
roadkill roadkill is offline
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Originally Posted by mudbug View Post
Still on the road to recovery and getting to feel a bit better still each day. Cabin fever has set in though but at least I'm able to get out now for a bit longer.
AB I'm very sorry to hear about your friend
Roadkill are you going to post about your hunting season this year? I'd like to hear how it went

Uuugh. This makes me look bad:

I *did* post about it, but when it came to light that there's a distinct legal difference between QC and AB, I spoke to an admin because I thought it was going to turn into a sh17storm, and I guess I felt that I was being insulting by wagging it in front of everyone's faces, so he agreed to take it down.

Turns out it didn't cause an issue at all aside from the initial roughness, but I didn't get to teh admin in time to not have the thread deleted. I've been tryign to figure out how to post a new, apologetic thread about that without coming off kinda stupid.

Which is probably what I deserve, actually

Essential rundown:

We got two on the last weekend. Or rather, each of my hunting buddies shot one. Over at my blind it was just females throwing themselves at me (so a lot like when I'm walking down the street, then ). One was a buck of maybe three years, while the other was a spike that was just over the legal limit of 7 cm per antler. Though I didn't get to pull the trigger, I helped with the gutting as best I could (mostly holding the legs apart, etc), then helped heavily with the gutting and quartering. All without throwing up, which, for my first gutting experience and my squeamish ways, was a freakin' big accomplishment.

But man! Even an emptied deer weighs a tonne when you're dragging its dead a55 over fallen trees and rocks.

We gave one to the landowner as thanks for letting us set up a hunt camp on my lot and hunt every year, and the three of us divided the other one three ways. I'm going to pick mine up on Sunday. So I finally have meat for the freezer. Only took what, four years? five? Sigh...

I guess you didn't get out this season eh, Dave?

Probably the only English-speaking, French-Canadian lefty greeniac in Montréal with a 2008 Winchester M70 in .270. Probably.
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