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Old 12-06-2012, 12:42 PM
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Originally Posted by NIKON View Post
OK sheep
Since you are determined to skate the question, Here it is....Give us all your thoughts on what went down in Alberta along the border , based on alot of assumptions
"There in no assumption in the fact that crowding deer in an area where they urinate and deficate on food spreads disease more readily. It's just a simple fact. "
Now I believe you made an assumption baiting for a short period of time wasn't going to spread the disease ...... And from your comment I think your assuming they were able to achieve 100% and kill every deer that came in contact with the deer baits they had put out ,
"I supect so they could cull a whole lot of deer in a very short period of time."

So give us your thoughts please on the deer cull by the srd using baiting techniques
Thanks in advance
You and your assumptions seem to have it al figured out...LOL

Apparently you have no interest in listening to my thoughts but would rather just tell me what I'm assuming......I find that very rude....and this is not the thread for it as I stated above. I tried to be polite with I'm just done before I sink to your level. Good day!
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