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Old 12-15-2012, 09:13 AM
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NIKON NIKON is offline
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Originally Posted by pottymouth View Post
The difference between a field and a bait pile, is. One the leaves or seeds are eaten off the stem/stock there is no reason for a deer to revisit that said stem. Keeps them moving.

I thought grain spills and faulty storage bins were supposed to be cleaned up and maintained, with fines levied against those that fail to do so. There shouldn't be any excuses.

And it isn't just cwd that's detrimental to our animals and land from baiting. The introduction of non native grasses and seeds in non traditional areas could have huge environmental impacts.

Here's my assumption, in a thread full of them. There's a lot more guys on AO, already baiting and hunting over it, than I originally thought.....
Hey Potty
You have to be talking winter here , cause for months on end May-OCT some of these fields these deer feed in like an alfalfa field which is a very good source for deer would grow a new stem or new leaves in a matter of days..... Probably being even more attractive to a deer to eat this new growth then the old woody stalk.......
Just trying to understand your statement, that a deer nibbles a plant down to the stalk and has no reason to return...Could be true in the winter months but not in MAY - OCT. Not sure on your statement re Farmers being levied fines for grain piles not cleaned up or maintained , but that doesn't mean this statement isn't true just never heard of it.....

The difference between a field and a bait pile, is. One the leaves or seeds are eaten off the stem/stock there is no reason for a deer to revisit that said stem. Keeps them moving.[/

Last edited by NIKON; 12-15-2012 at 09:24 AM.
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