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Old 12-16-2012, 02:17 PM
waterninja waterninja is offline
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: edmonton
Posts: 11,434

after a long hiatus from big game hunting i got back into it 2 years ago. i was amazed at the reg. changes that had occured. one significant change in particular is that hunters who live in alberta seem to come in a poor 2nd place to non-resident hunters. i have many relatives that live on the farm and one common complaint is that outfitters seem to get an unlimmited supply of tags for out of province hunters. it seems to me that resident hunters should get 1st chance at general and draw tags. the way it's set up now seems a little corrupt with money being first priority and wildlife mngt. and albertan hunters rights a low priority.
i could understand if we were a poor province and needed all the non-resident cash that we could get but i doubt the added revenue makes that much difference in albertas budget, meanwhile hunters that live and work here seem to be getting screwed.
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