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Old 12-17-2012, 05:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Deer Hunter View Post
I figured you as a self-proclaimed expert alright so the background in stats comes as no surprise.

Glad you could experience some folly and "crack up". Now you know how I feel when I last read one of your articles.

Maybe I'll take a course before I throw up any alternatives to the governments train of thought. Anyways, thanks for listening to my spew!
I see you chose the first

This thread is so indicitive of of the problems we face as hunters in this province. You'd rather spend all afternoon arguing that 2+2=9 than learn a little something to better arm yourself to take the government to task. We spend so much time fighting our personal little battles on here and pointing fingers at individuals that the big picture soon gets forgotten. We are so proud that we are unable to learn and facts that might not 100% support our position terrify us.

I'm sure the boys at SRD delight in this stuff while they slip into their Grinch suits for Christmas happily knowing that all the whos in whoville are busy arguing amoungest themselves and won't notice that they are once again stealing all the hunting opportunities from beneath the tree. We really deserve what we get.

At some point we need to let go of our petty little grievances and learn from each other and realize that we likely won't agree on all points of a situation but there is likely common ground in there somewhere that will make us all stronger, if we can shut up long enough to listen. I can honestly say that the unity shown among groups over the sheep changes is indeed refreshing and something foreign to the Alberta hunting community. With a little coaltion, you might be surprised what could be done. Or you can whine about how the hunting groups are doing nothing and keep arguing that 2+2=9. It's refreshing that there is life outside of this that doesn't let their ego get in the way of what's good for all. Life that is willing to be quiet and learn when they need to and speak up when they should. Sadly, we are becoming a pretty heavy anchor around their feet. Enjoy the trip down...............
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