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Old 12-22-2012, 09:56 AM
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Dacotensis Dacotensis is offline
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Originally Posted by packhuntr View Post
Suppose now that its been established that a dead mule deer resource is all that srd desires,,,, even if a guy draws a mule deer tag, our early season archery experiences will be likely infiltrated by a bunch of guys packin xbows in open country, steam rolling everything alive with a shouldered and shot weapon. Shes a hell of a deal. And for anyone that wants to debate xguns vs archery go somewhere else and argue, after picking one up brand new and day one watching the kids shooting fist sized groups at 50 like its a 22-250. Shes a hell of a mess, and all the while issues that need attention are ignored/forgotten.
There is irony in this post.
"Don't debate me" he says! "here is what I'm sayin, I don't want to hear what you have to say"!
You've been around here long enough to know how this forum works, right?
Fist sized groups at 50?By children? I need a new x bow it seems, or I need to lose 30 years.
Sorry fella, you can't begin to blame x bows for the mess created on MD.
Start with the basics, cut out landowner tags for antlered md, cut out any outfitter tags for areas on draw to the general public.
If you are willing to cut out outfillter tags and nra tags, we can talk about x bows.
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Ronald Reagan

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