Thread: " Idle No More"
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Old 12-22-2012, 11:44 AM
rwm1273 rwm1273 is offline
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Originally Posted by brownbomber View Post
I usually like what you got to say rwm. But I just can't sit on that. I know you had a bad experience and I know you love your kids. But I've met a lot of jerks that were from a reserve, ukaranian, polish, Heinz 57 etc. The majority of people from reserves are good people just wanna keep on moving. I know its easy to see the lazies and losers. Not so obvious are the hard workers and good people. I won't deny there is truth to every stereotype but to say you can't take the reserve out of the native is pure bunk. My .02 have a gooder
Your right there are a lot of good people on reserves, and I know some pretty good people there too. I also know a lot that I wish I had eyes on the back of my head to keep watch of. Yes my statement was a stereotype, but like you say, has some truth. For me, it is the bad ones that have ruined it for the good ones, and sadly, it is those bad ones who also often come from the band leader's family, and then punish the good ones for being good. There is also another native term used, apple, red on the outside, white on the inside. The natives tend to pick on the ones who do good, and push them away. Perhaps that is the fault of the white man putting them onto reserves. My ancestors removed their way of life, but I still pay for it.

I have also spent some time in the arctic and have had some dealings with the native crowd up there. Again lots of good people, and some not so good. It is the bad ones I remember. Hard to come away with a good memory when your vehicle gets broken into, and your gas gets stolen regularly, and you are kept up all night by drunks outside your hotel window.

How do you explain the Attawapiskat videos last year? All these houses run down and nobody in them seemed to care about that, but expected the government to look after it for them. A drive through nearly any reserve, and you will see the same. Dilapidated cars spread about the yards, uncut grass, broken windows, graffiti, garbage. etc.
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