Thread: " Idle No More"
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Old 12-22-2012, 11:51 AM
rwm1273 rwm1273 is offline
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Originally Posted by Tech View Post
Lets just go back to the original agreement, where if your marry out or leave your resrervation the special status leaves with it.

You can thank the supreme court for keeping Canada for this mess. We are stuck with a 2 tier society and will be until everyone is treated equally despite their heritage. That will require what's happening right now a slow steady process of equalization being fought against by those who make their livelyhoods keeping us seperate.

I do like watching this on the news though. Seeing someone climb out of a lexus in a buisness suit and throw on a headress makes me think I should show up to work in a viking helmet and claim my ancestral right to build boats all day and pillage england.
I have no problem supporting the native who wants to hunt and fish. I have no problem giving education to the native who wants to go to school. I have a problem with the native who wants to hunt and fish and get drunk in the school I paid for, and then when they fail demand that I support them to go and do it again, and again, and then when they keep failing, blame me for their failure.
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