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Old 01-06-2013, 08:53 PM
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Zuludog Zuludog is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Beaumont
Posts: 3,394

I think this is what you're going to hear (or something similar) as this is a common post on the net. Go to a bow shop and try out as many different brands as you can and find the one that shoots an feels the best for you. There's a good chance it might be neither of those models and maybe even another brand.

There are LOTS of good brands these days and it is more about finding the right bow for you, than it is picking out the best make or model. Buying the right bow is kinda like buying shoes, you need to try them out and see what's best for you. The huntersfriend site has lots of good info on it.

I'm assuming you're new to archery or getting back into it, so you'll find bows with bigger brace heights (7" and over) and longer ATA's to be more forgiving. This is explained on the site or at the store. Good luck and welcome to the club, it's addicting.
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