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Old 01-27-2013, 09:30 AM
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Sundancefisher Sundancefisher is offline
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Originally Posted by Sneeze View Post
Good post.

But you are missing something. What you are missing is me - and people like me.

Like it or not, we are citizens in this country too.

And I will not accept any form of gun control. You may think I am an extremist or wacko, but the fact is... I have a vote and I have a voice.

Stop asking me to concede.

I will not and never support anything that takes away an individual’s right to own a firearm. Background checks? Re-licensing? Great ideas. The problem is they do not work. They do not work for the same reason why I think everybody should own a firearm. We may be able to trust the government of today, but tomorrow, who knows?

Licensing and back ground checks are a way bureaucrats can take firearms away. It will not stop at the insane or those with a criminal history. Next it will be those who are divorced or those who have experienced bankruptcy. Sooner than later it will be those with sleeping problems or the guy who blew 0.06 after a night with his buddies.

I do not trust the government to manage anything. I will not trust my freedom to a stranger in Miramichi who has the power to make the decision if my application gets a stamp or the shredder.

Like it or not, I have a voice. I support unencumbered ownership of firearms for Canadians & Americans. While horrible, 28 people in a school is absolute peanuts compared to what a government can do. Ask the Ukrainians. Yes.... History does repeat itself.
Wow. Frightening personal perspective. This post of yours is exactly what will freak out your average person as you stand out as well paranoid etc.

If I was a paranoid gun lover I would say that you are a UN anti gun plant hell bent on total gun removal and sadly you just can not see it.

Your Post is the opposite of Pesky