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Old 01-27-2013, 03:13 PM
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Sundancefisher Sundancefisher is offline
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Originally Posted by greylynx View Post
Total ban is what the liberals strive for, one law at a time. You do not have to look at the United States for this behavior.

Just look at bill C-68 and the resulting massive firearm bans that occured in Canada. Not more than 24 hours after C-68 was passed there were more cries for more bans from the liberals.
There is no compromise with liberals. It is all or nothing with them and we conservatives have learned our lesson the hard way.

Since the medial is liberal they always blame the conservatives for not capitulating...when it is actually the other way around.

Also, I once was a liberal until I had to make a living in the real world.
The whole using liberal as a bad word to denounce anyone that has an opinion contrary to yours s lame and immature.

50% of republicans polled are in favor of Obama's gun initiatives. So does this mean you are the lowly minority now?