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Old 01-28-2013, 11:49 AM
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Rocky7 Rocky7 is offline
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Originally Posted by silver View Post
I am a citizen, not a subject.

Originally Posted by pesky672 View Post
It amazes me that 28 people die because of more or less unfettered access to arms and some people still try to argue that even greater available access would somehow prevent it.
What amazes me is this:

1. You persist in blaming things for evil, cruel behaviour by a person. You seem unable to digest the simple fact that things do nothing, good or evil, and it is irrational to blame them.

2. You persist in arguing for laws that are proven ineffective; i.e, the "assault weapon" ban and magazine limits.

3. Even knowing that your position has not worked before, you stubbornly refuse to try another path and concoct wild hyptheticals to support emotional arguments and circular logic.

4. After all that, you can still summon the gall to insult us?
"If everything isn't black and white, I say, 'Why the hell not?'" - J.W.
God made man. Sam Colt made them equal.
Make Alberta a better place. Have your liberal spayed or neutered.