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Old 01-30-2013, 04:03 PM
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Originally Posted by bigbadjoe108 View Post
I don't disagree with you. If you think that somehow firearms owners can put enough pressure on elected officials to change things, that is cool by me. I was just responding to a comment (possibly not made by you - I can't remember) that we had a "right" to firearms due to S.26 of the charter.
Yes, that could have been me.

I just pointed out that the SCC doesn't feel that way and has ruled that the Court feels it reasonable to curtail what S.26 grants us in view of keeping the public safe. When they use the term "heavily regulated priveldge" it indicates to me that unless something, somewhere is written that we do have a 'right' to firearms, then we don't have it.
You are taking it too far, although the pessimism is understandable.

There is a recent SK case advanced by Mr. Hudson that left open the door to further argument. He was advancing the EBOR, IIRC. He did not "win" but the Court did leave the door open for further expert evidence and argument.

Perhaps you know, or can find, that decision?

I don't feel they were right in that decision, but unless you can get a government to be elected and put a right to bear arms type amendment in the charter, and have 7 out of 10 provinces agree, who represent a vast majority of the population, then the firearms rights movement is dead in the water.
Now you're stacking the deck. Those things are not required at all. It's only one way of cracking this nut and it's the most unlikely and difficult.

Politicians respond to pressure. We have not begun to apply the kind of pressure we could.

The Turf Mark Holland campaign was the first glimmer that maybe people who share our sentiments could finally get together on something and affect the outcome of an election. We did.

We need to do that again. And again. And again. It won't take as long as you think for politicians to realize what's at stake for them.

You can throw up your hands if you like but, if you do, please get out the way for those of us who won't focus on what can't be done and how hard it might be and who won't quit. Fair?
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