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Old 01-31-2013, 10:50 PM
Tactical Lever Tactical Lever is online now
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Originally Posted by Sundancefisher View Post
That is the million dollar business of gun selling cop out. I won't stop making large capacity mags because the murderer of the school children would of just made one and did it anyways.

Biggest load of falsehoods you have spewed on here to date. There is a reason bad guys chose these tools...because they are easy to buy, easy to use and efficient to kill with.

Your premise is totally false because we have not seen a single home made one used to kill anyone in Canada... If some industrious person made it is because of the challenge and likely they enjoy tinkering. No criminals would go to those lengths to any significant degree compared to being able to simply buy it.

Good try but as a statement it is totally false. Removing them will make it harder for bad guys to kill with.

They can still be used at firing ranges should law abiding citizens wish to enjoy the bang bang.
The Sten submachine gun
The British Sten, while it was an official military firearm, was developed specifically to be produced by improvised workshops. When the British Expeditionary Force withdrew from France in the Dunkirk evacuation of 1940, large numbers of arms were abandoned, leaving the British military under-armed. Two Britons, Sheppard and Turpin (the "S" and "T" in "Sten") designed and built a prototype submachine gun in 30 days, to be used to re-arm the British soldiers as quickly as possible.

These fine upstanding young arians wouldn't think of using those for nefarious purposes, I'm sure.

And in case you didn't know, "high capacity" magazines, are not legal here. Range or otherwise.