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Old 02-01-2013, 08:01 PM
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brownbomber brownbomber is offline
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Originally Posted by Rhino81 View Post
Would be nice to hear some logical answer's here,
it's that the teams are going in opposite directions. the flames at best are stationary where they have been since the cup run. a lower middle end team that has little to offer other than a few star players surrounded by plumbers. the oilers after years of broken promises and rebuilds and frankly being terrible are finally on a upswing, a big upswing. the potential is finally supposed to come to fruition. not as in be a cup contender this year but finally actually building the stepping stones of being a perennial contender instead of a joke. the flames can do the same but are clinging to the past and don't want to suck the big one to improve. not much for prospects, not bad enough to have no brainer draft picks, just in limbo. that's the difference.
the days we are at our best we can play with anybody, problem is those days are getting farther and farther apart
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