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Old 02-12-2013, 12:20 PM
Jamie Jamie is offline
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Originally Posted by SLH View Post
Well if that is what you believe I'm not sure you understood the nature of the opposition to the inclusion of seperate ML and Xbow seasons. Also given that the numbers of people trying to access the resource v. the amount of resource seems to be the issue, coming up with some magical compromise would still put us where we are with this situation it would just be more confusing with four different seasons, not to mention the ongoing issue of landowner and outfitter tags.
It's not a "Magical Compromise". It's called working together.
At the end of the day, there are only so many tags available, who cares how you choose to hunt your tag.

All this BS from the bow guys about dedication and skill did nothing but confuse the issue. The ABA owns a large part of this.

Its simple. All the in fighting is tearing apart any credibility we as HUNTERS have. It allows our detractors to continue to win these fights.

Now the big fight is with outfitters.. Cripes what is the fall out from that going to be.

There is no rifle hunters or bow hunters or xbow hunters or outfitters or ML hunters or traditional ML hunters. There is just HUNTERS!

Bring all the splintered groups to the table and get some long term planning into

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