Thread: why???
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Old 09-22-2008, 12:03 PM
bardfromedson bardfromedson is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 438

alberta needs to bring in slot limits for walleye. we are killing all the big spawners and letting the little 17" fish do the spawning. makes no sense to me. most weekend fisherman are to stubern to throw back 20-29 inch walleye back on there own. putting in a slot limit ( keep 17-19 inch and over 30") would increase the size and amount of walleye in the lakes. i also can't figure out why people eat these big fish because they don't taste that good. over 30' i understand people want it on the wall. fish in places like slave lake are getting smaller every year because the big fish are not protected. i for one dont enjoy catching 100 small fish and mabe 5-10 around 20 inches in a day. i would rather catch 20 fish and 10 of them being good size.
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