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Old 03-07-2013, 09:30 PM
cube cube is offline
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Originally Posted by Graffy91 View Post
Trebles to terrible things to pike. Especially husky jerks that have 3 trebles on one lure...
According to the Biologist at Cold Lake (When Levy was talking to him about Seibert) said that trebles and if I recall multiple trebles actually have a lower mortality than single hooks. He said that the trebles and esp. the multiple trebles might cause more lip damage but do not go deep down the throat and stay by the lips. He also said that the singles not only go further back in the throat and injure gills and throat but are also more likely to penetrate deep into the roof of the mouth and actually reach the brain.

Hence I stopped putting singles on my baits.

I do agree that singles are easier on the fisherman as they are easier to remove and not nearly as scary when reaching for a large pike with flailing large plug with multiple trebles.
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