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Old 04-09-2013, 06:08 PM
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dodger dodger is offline
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Originally Posted by pickrel pat View Post
Can we hear some of those storys?.......pleeaaase
There was the usual things being moved around the house and even my roomate agreed it was strange. I lived in the basement and instead of sleeping in the bedroom I slept in a storage room with no windows. I loved that room at night because it was black on black dark.

Top three occurrences were -

1. Middle of the night I wake up and beside my bed are 4 spirits. All were floating there and you could see them from the mid chest and up. There was an elderly women and man, and there was a young women holding a baby wrapped in a blanket. I looked at them and sat up as they drifted to the end of the bed and then they just smiled and slowly faded away. No dreaming involved here as I was wide awake sitting there looking at them. Also absolutly no fear of them. Just peace and quite.

2. Roomate is out of town for the weekend. I hit the sack early and in the middle of the night I hear someone walking around upstairs. The floor joists are creaking and the footsteps are thump, thump, thump. I grab my trusty over/under from beside my bed and throw 2 shells in ( I left it in the open position ). As I am heading upstairs I am turning on lights and yelling someone is going to have a hole in there gut unless they yell back or get out. I hear the footsteps running away as I get to the main floor. Then I hear them upstairs. Same procedure of turning on the lights and yelling a warning. I grabbed the phone dialed 911 and said send the police there is someone in the house. I leave the phone and head upstairs again I here the thumping of feet running to the far end of the house. As I get upstairs and all lights are on I here the feet running across the roof. THAT scared me and also I knew to get my gun back to the basement before the police arrived. I stood out on the street until they came. I knew there was no one in the house but I let them check because I called them. My excuse was a timid " I heard something " and left it at that.

3, The one that made me move out! Again I get woken up by something but my skin is crawling and I feel scared. I look at the foot of the bed and there is a figure standing there darker than the darkness of my room. I can actually see it leaning toward me and its face is all bumpy. It grabs my leg and I feel it but there is no substance to the grip. The area where his hands grab me my leg gets wet and cold. LIGHTS ON, I am shaking scared. Moved out the next day. That night I just grabbed my work clothes and went to work a 1 a.m. to do paperwork.

P.S. - One alien encounter at McGregor Lake. I will post later.
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