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Old 04-14-2013, 11:26 AM
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MK2750 MK2750 is offline
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Originally Posted by MK2750 View Post
And here lies the problem with shoot outs. Obviously the person that purchased this rod thought they were making a good choice and have now decided to sell after three uses. This does not mean you are not going to love this rod. Perhaps he would love it too had he experimented with different lines or fished an area where a 3wt was called for more often.

First day out on the water with a z-axis and I was fit to be tied. When I wasn't bull-whipping or tangled, I was ripping hooks out of fishes mouths before they had a chance to inhale. Now it is my absolute favorite.

Is the new Hardy Zenith really better than a z-axis or is it so similar that the testers cast it effortlessly?

Is the line choices used perfect for every rod in the shootout?

He said he doesnt fish smaller waters enough to keep he said.
The Zenith out performed the Zaxis at close range within 40' they say.
And some say the Winston will out perform they say.

Dont get too persnickity on this topic.......
Its just to gather and share "personal" information....soo says me
I assume you are in the market for a new rod. If you can lay your hands on an RS4 Redington I think you will be impressed. It is medium fast to today's standards and has an action similar to the z-axis. The z is lighter and a little quicker at the tip but the RS4 has much nicer components. The reel seat and lock up is a thing of beauty IMO and the guides are of better quality. The overall finish is awesome. Lots of backbone yet can still deliver the small stuff.

The RS4 could be had for a couple hundred new and was discontinued some time ago. You should be able to score one for much less if you can find old stock.

If you want a faster river type rod the recently discontinued CPX from Redington is another beautiful rod. Jet black blank with very nice components and finish. I see them on clearance for 200 + or -. Buy one size smaller than you think you want and you will be happy. I recently picked up the new Redington Link, the replacement of the CPX. It does have a nicer tip but it pales (literally) to the CPX when it comes to finish and appearance.

Probably the best deal on the market for a stream rod is the recently discontinued zxl by Sage. You can read for hours on line and you will hardly find an ill word said. They are a med/fast rod built using the same technology as the z-axis. Many list it as their favorite of all time. I just picked one up from the Fishing Hole on close out and it looks like a keeper. I have only cast it around the yard but it feels awesome.

Like I have told you before, you are welcome to come and try some rods anytime. I am buying and selling stuff constantly so generally a pretty good selection laying around. ( this doesn't apply to the guy that has the crush on Gilligan (not that there is anything wrong with that))
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