Thread: Crossbows???
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Old 05-23-2013, 02:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Stinky Coyote View Post
[;1976180]and yes until I met you and you showed me how and it actually can be done, I didn't think you could shoot a bow from inside a truck... would argued that until I was blue in the face, if you hadnt showed me.

lol potty, well ok, lets turn down this direction at this do tell why you have that 40" lift in your truck again? like being in a treestand perhaps

Joking aside i would like to see or even have described to me how a crossbow gets fired off in a truck without damaging truck or other occupants?, does it get hung way out the window so you might only smash a mirror with a limb worst case?, or does it ride in cab without passenger so you shoot it out passenger side only? assuming you'd need an extended cab so you didn't smash out the windshield and back window? I suspect you'd want as narrow a crossbow as
possible for in vehicle work lol?? I have a much harder time visualizing how you'd let one go in a truck vs having an entire door gone and a seat which really isn't hard to compare to sitting in treestand as I've spent plenty of hours in both ha ha and always try and shoot left out of my treestand being a right handed bow guy...doesn't take a lot of thought to see similarity there but some people are good at looking at stuff and seeing how things would work...not just with hunting situations, had these weird defectionary scenerios never popped up on the earliest of crossbow inclusion threads I've read from all over the continent i'd
never had to give trying to fire either one off from a vehicle but after about 30 seconds i'm still a bit stumped how the crossbow would do it? mini-van with door open helicopter style maybe? driver with mobile sniper team?
One guy did it by sitting behind the driver out the back window... The other was the driver out the passenger.... The third out the sun roof.....

And they were all reported.. Don't play dumb stinky...we've been through this... Face to face you agreed , and even figured out what it would take...... That's the same day you showed me how you can shoot your bow out your truck.....which was eye opening.
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