Thread: Crossbows???
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Old 05-24-2013, 02:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Mistagin View Post
You've got some good points in your post, but I have to challenge a couple of them:
Just like when purchasing a rifle, shotgun or handgun it is wise to spend some time familiarizing self with a crossbow, and sighting it in, and practicing - awareness of range and trajectory and variables such as wind and its effects doesn't come as standard equipment on the tool.

2nd thing: buying a crossbow or any other kind of bow (or any other kind of firearm) absolutely does not make a person a hunter! Especially not a bowhunter. I hope you are not implying that it's the tool that makes a person a hunter. I hope that if you really are 'here to hunt' then hunting is about an awful lot more than just flinging a potentially lethal projectile at a legal prey critter!

For me, picking up a crossbow came about for a couple of reasons. One is because I personally like them, they are 'cool' (personal opinion). I enjoy using them. There are many hunting situations where they excel and others where they are useless, as has already been explained well in this thread. They have their limitations - absolutely, and one needs to know and respect those limitations.
However, I picked one up when it became difficult for me to use my recurve (due to elbow problems). In saying that I'm affirming that I know what it is to bowhunt - and the principles are no different for hunting with the crossbow thus it is bowhunting, not, as potty would have us believe, a form of 'gun' hunting.
I agree with you on your first point entirely and mostly on your second point. To explain a bit more clearly though, the definition of hunting that I refer to is not my opinion but the one outlined in the regulations.
On your third point-If I was ever unable to use my bow for some reason I would without hesitation get a permit for a crossbow and certainly hunt with it. That is a great rule and there is a reason for it being in place.
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