Thread: Crossbows???
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Old 05-24-2013, 04:07 PM
jryley jryley is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Lougheed
Posts: 991

Originally Posted by 338Bluff View Post
Whew. It's going to be a long summer if I have to look at this garbage at the top of the Archery Discussion until hunting season. Only about 100 more sleeps to elk season!

A couple of you need to check your ego's. This is pretty much been a decided argument save for a couple of you rabble rousers resurrecting it. This argument ( a close second to Mule Deer Draws and Outfitter Allocations) further divides the membership on this forum and has caused several folks to either leave completely or quit posting. If I was a moderator, which I have no desire to be, I would have locked this up about 20 posts ago.

I have some suggestions;

For those of you that want crossbows; quit hurling insults and hollering your indignation about it here, write letters to the AFGA, SRD, and your MLA.

For those of you opposed to crossbows; renew your ABA membership (which I immediately did) and quit posting on this thread. It will fade to the bottom if you quit arguing and feeding the other side. Please start some posts that are relevant to archery and ignore the 'noise'
lol so any view opposing the views of the ABA is 'noise' eh?

makes sense. thanks for clarifying most of our general thoughts about the organization. aside from a few posts, i feel this is pretty fair and open debate on the matter that is completely relevant to the hunting community in this province. go crawl back into your hole if you dont like it. dont read the thread if you dont like it. Its a valid thread and a valid arguement from both sides. Grow a set and become involved. brushing an opposers opinion under the carpet and hoping it goes away is truly gutless and not needed from your end.

but thanks for the effort
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