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Old 05-25-2013, 04:31 PM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Copperhead Road, Morinville
Posts: 19,290

Okay, so I'm late to the party but I decided to skip this thread this winter and I'm on page 7 of reading it now. There's a lot of info to process and I want to confirm that I'm on track so I decided to make this post while I'm reading the rest of the thread. Do I have this right so far:

- ESRD decided to put mule deer on draw for archery and the ABA agreed that it should happen but wants to have input.

- The mule draw would be a single draw where if you are drawn you could hunt with your bow or your rifle to fill your tag. Basically, no more general bow for mulies and bowhunters would compete with rifle hunters in the draw.

- There would be an increase in the number of tags for the draw (approx 15%?) to be shared amongst all hunters.

- No change to landowner or outfitter tag allocations.

- All the talk about everything going to draw if crossbows were included in archery only season was BS when ESRD already knew that the draw was coming anyway.

- Gotta check but........This is in place for this hunting season and the specific WMU's effected by the new draw have been identified?

Am I on track so far?
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