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Old 05-27-2013, 07:05 PM
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mooseknuckle mooseknuckle is offline
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Originally Posted by CaberTosser View Post
If you tire of the same weak, rehashed arguments, why do you start so many?

If the membership of the AO board is so unrefined, unintelligent and bigoted, why do you perpetually return? Why do you have such a beef against the police? Were you either once or repeatedly given a lesson where you were talking when you should have been listening? (not that you've ever given us any reason to suspect such a thing)

Why do you think its better that the many of us who are sickened by your perpetual bellyaching and rude, obnoxious behaviour simply add you to our ignore button when the real solution is to learn how to be a freaking decent person you cretin.
Thank you.
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