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Old 06-24-2013, 12:04 PM
slough shark slough shark is offline
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Originally Posted by pottymouth View Post
10 quick Idea's of the top of my head

They may need tweeking, and are not set in stone in my mind!!

1. Verify all WIN #’s are valid people

• Proof of passed hunters training certificate
• Proof of Residency
• Picture I.D verification to obtain Win card ( and even have picture on Win cards)

2. New Albertans have to have residency for 1 year before obtaining a Win Card ( Canadian armed forces are waived one year wait)

Love this

3. Price increase for draw application

I would argue doing this substantially for non-residents like $50 an application or something

4. Deadline date to purchase draws .

• Failure to do so, will forfeit that said draw, and it’s priority points.
• Draws not purchased at deadline, go to the next available hunter.
• Doctors note or justified unforeseeable circumstances explaination can save forfeiture of priority points. ( if accepted before the deadline)

5. Draws that have a priority of more than 7 years , work off the priority system, with an allotment for 1 lottery tag, of which the hunter has less than 7 years priority.

6. Non resident hunters have their own dedicated draws, with a smaller % dedicated to them, according to harvest reports .

With Apos only permited in areas where there is the majority of land in the WMU is public land and non-residents permited only to have up to low % (5-10) in ALL WMU's

7. Harvest reports are mandatory at the end of every season, for all hunters. Draws can not be purchased until survey is completed.

Love, make public the info of harvest.

8. Non residents can not be hunter hosted for , Mule deer, Sheep and Antelope, and Moose.

Disagree with that one

9. Create a lottery draw( like 438, a, b,c) in all sheep zones for November. ( limit of one lottery per zone, and perhaps it can me ran much like the goat draw, on zones that have less Bighorn numbers)

10. Limit the number of successful draws, someone can obtain in a year. ( example 3 successful draws per season)

I also have a Trophy hunting draw system I’ve thought of. That can co-exist with the system we basically have. I can pm anyone interested, it still needs input and tweeking.
No non-residents in wmu's where there is a P-4 or greater wait for residents
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