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Old 06-24-2013, 03:28 PM
sheepguide sheepguide is offline
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Originally Posted by walking buffalo View Post
By population, it is not "new" hunters, but hunters that are new to the draw system.

This is what happens as more and more general seasons are changed to draw seasons.

Removing the 999 system will not fix anything. Perform a test model and you'll see.

But I sure do love reading all these calls for hunter management while there is hardly a peep about Wildlife management.
How can it not help? If you remove 999 I bet only half them guys would ever apply if they had to pull the tag what ever year drawn not the year they so choose. Even if it removed 1/4 of applicants In a draw with 10,000 999 applicants that can be a significant decrease in applicants and can help bring the supply and demand numbers closer together.

You guys only plan on all those 999 guys to keep applying but they won't as they have to commit and many won't because they aren't in control any longer.
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