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Old 06-25-2013, 09:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Pepe View Post
I was a member of the RAA ( recreational aviation association) . A bunch of guys who build their own airplanes or refurbish old ones.

One other member I knew well had built a Lancair, a very fancy turbo prop airplane with retracting gear, glass cockpit, auto pilot and pressurized cabin.

So he took off from Buttonville airport in Toronto and heads over to B.C.
Mid-way there he gets an electrical failure which cause his radio and transponder to shut down along with his fancy glass cockpit.

25 minutes later, two F-18's show up at his flanks and escort him to the nearest airport.

This is what NORAD does. Every time an aircraft appears in distress or highjacked, or crashed, they scramble fighters to see wtf is going on.

Payne Stewart, famous golfer takes off from Florida and when the airplane depressurizes, everyone on board died. The plane keeps going on auto-pilot but nobody is answering the radio ....all being dead and all.

20 minutrs later a military plane is scrambled, sees that the windows are fogged over and realized they all suffocated. The intercept follow the doomed plane until it runs out of gas and crashes.

25 minutes to intercept a small private airplane over Manitoba.
20 minutes to intercept a small private airplane over florida.

Yet, on 9/11, not one, but 4 full size airliners are highjacked. The authorities are aware of it for two hours. Those planes are not flying over Manitoba, but over the White House, New York, and the Pentagon. All over the most controlled airspace in.the world (the north eastern seabord). Two hours between they are aware of the first highjack to the moment the last airplane crashes. And not a single fighter jet lifts a wing until it's too late.

NORAD was on coffee break I guess. If you beleive this crap, I have a bridge to sell, a bargain really.
You sure like to rant and a little off topic to boot this is guns and ammo discussion not Pepe conspiracy theory maybe take all your wonderfull knowledge over to general discussion and start a new thread!
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