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Old 06-26-2013, 03:10 PM
huntingd huntingd is offline
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Originally Posted by Pepe View Post
You are kidding me right?
This stuff with 'infidel' on it is for North Americans who want to proclaim their hatred for the Muslims, or terrorists, or what not.

But to be honest with you, all this infidel stuff is just propaganda pure and simple. Americans and Canadians are lead to beleive that for a Muslim an infidel is a Christian. That's not at all what an infidel means. It means a Muslim who betrays his religion and Allah.

But leading the Americans to think the Muslim world call them infidels goes to show how badly they want to promote hatred to keep the war going.

And btw, I am not for a minute trying to defend Muslims. In fact, I am an atheist and as such I find all religious beliefs retarded and delusional.

And finally, don't you know that "support our troops"sticker on your gas guzling truck while our troops are dying for big oil makes you look like a giant a-hole?

The suppirt our troops sticker is just a lame way to say support the war of aggression. I support our troops by demanding they be brought back home to safety.
I like this. The united states government killed thousands of its own civilians to start a war. I firmly believe this. But. And its a goody. Wait for it. BUT religion is retarded. did nobody hug you as a child?
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