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Old 06-26-2013, 05:06 PM
Mistagin Mistagin is offline
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Originally Posted by Pepe View Post
I never said I don't support the troops. Read it again. I said that I support the troops by demanding that they be brought back home and out of harm's way.

So what purpose would troops serve in your fantasy world?

Your "support our troops" ribbon is just an hypocrit way of saying support the war or you are not a patriot.

And btw, your son is not the one to blame. He is fighting a war based on a lie. That lie is 9/11 and the idea that if we don't go there and bomb the crap out of them, they will attack up.
He's a volunteer, and knows exactly what he's doing. He's also not afraid to hide behind a keyboard and spout off gibberish.

Your son thinks he is doing the right thing, your son is a victim, not the one responsible for 9/11.

But go on, keep thinking that 9/11 was done by fanatical Muslims who "hate our freedoms"
[COLOR="red"]That's exactly what I think, sorry to break it to you, but the truth is often a lot simpler than conspiracy theories./COLOR]

And keep paying your taxes, gubermint likes it when you pay your taxes.I do and I will, and I'll bet you're glad people like me pay our taxes - it's our taxes that provides so much for making this a great country worth fighting for - even with it's failures and short-comings. (And no, I'm not always happy with how our taxes are spent!)
I'd really like to see you say what you say face to face with my boy. That'd be something to hear and see! You might just get something of an 'attitude adjustment'. (I'm not saying it would be a violent confrontation - except for maybe a few words.)
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