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Old 11-04-2008, 04:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Copidosoma View Post
Deer are NOT hard to kill.

Get a rifle you can shoot well. Practice until you know exactly where the bullet will be at any reasonable distance. Go get 'em.

Deer aren't hard to kill? Not sure how many deer you have shot, but come on. Hit any animal with a small caliber rifle in the heart or lungs and yeah, they die easy. If you have made shots like this on all the animals you have taken, then good on ya for making clean shots everytime, but unfortunately this isn't a perfect world and the odd bad shot is made, and when one is made, deer don't die easy. Nor do elk, mooose, ect.... I very much agree that a small caliber gun is a more accurate gun in many hands as some can't handle the heavier recoil, and if you are one that can't handle the recoil then it is best to shoot something you can handle. If you are capable of shooting a magnum....why not. Sounds like most here only take broadside shots at 200 yds or so, and make a heart shot every time, but in the off chance you don't make that "perfect" shot a heavier chunk of lead at high velocities is gonna be far more beneficial.
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