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Old 08-16-2013, 09:15 PM
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EZM EZM is offline
Join Date: Jul 2010
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TrophyPikeHunter is a fink.

He switched over to fluorocarbon when he saw an increase in my catch rates on those days when the pike tend to be a little finicky.


As he mentioned - I use 80lb fuoro leader material knotted (clinch or palomar with melted tip of the tag ends only ) and apply a drop of crazy glue for added insurance.

I have landed over 500 pike on my first leader - but it was finally getting knicked up so I tied up a couple more.

I toss and/or troll bigger stuff and it works great. I also tied up a few 50lb leaders when I'm chucking smaller stuff.

The fluoro allows you to grab the leader without of fear of getting cut up if the pike freaks out at the side of the boat.

95% of the the fish we land never leave the water, we just reach down and pull the hook out while he's still in the water. Easy on the fish and easy my hands.

I will not ever go back to steel leaders ............
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