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Old 08-25-2013, 11:11 PM
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KegRiver KegRiver is offline
Gone Hunting
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: North of Peace River
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Originally Posted by PolarBearSouth View Post
Hi, I moved here 14 years ago from Northern Ontario. For years now I have half avoided and half been shut out of the Alberta hunting experience. Maybe it was just laziness on my part that I was scared to learn the Alberta rules/regs because they were very different than what I know. I was and still am scared that I know enough to make me dangerous. Not to others or to wildlife LOL but dangerous to myself by how my actions fall within the law. People seem to have a loose understanding of the regs as they apply to the specific location and game they choose to hunt. This works for some people but it is very hard on newcomers. And we all know how many newcomers there are in Alberta. I don't know what the solution is but I hope that we all make it through the infancy period without losing our trucks/houses being fined or ****ing off the local farmers. Now I have acquired the will to learn and I'm taking baby steps but hope that others do the same and that those who really KNOW will help us and when necessary cut us some slack. Don't Judge Please. We don't want to be dangerous.
AO helps us but only if you KNOW exactly what to rules are before you post otherwise you are providing just enough knowledge to be dangerous.
I do hope you get past that and take the plunge, we need more hunters that care enough to be concerned about their actions afield.

I would offer to help you along, but I've recently been reminded that I need to study the regulations in greater depth.
Nothing illegal or dangerous, but it could have been illegal had I gotten the sort of luck I had hopped for. I almost went over my limit, because I thought I knew what it was, but hadn't realized it has changed for that particular lake. Opps, my bad.

I think I understand your concern, our game laws have become complicated and they change so much every year that one has to almost start all over again every year.

But I think it's well worth the extra effort, to learn the regs and keep current. And in a way that may be easier for you then for me.

I have been hunting and fishing this area for so long I have become complacent, thinking I knew all the rules by heart.
At least you know from the git go that you are starting all over again.
I know it now too, but I didn't a couple of weeks ago.

Welcome to Alberta, 14 years late, but welcome anyway.
Democracy substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few.

George Bernard Shaw
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