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Old 01-21-2007, 05:14 PM
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Default Re: crossbows

Well this discussion keeps going around in circles doesn't it??

Here's my take......when I first started hearing about the crossbow in archery I was like no way.I came to this rather ingnorantly, as I have never been around one, let alone shoot one. These last few discussions on here have been very informative, and some of the things that I thought before, I question my prior stand on this issue. I know we are all entitled to our own thoughts and beliefs, but it is coming clear to me, that some are trying to push their thoughts and beliefs on to all with innaccurate statements. To say that crossbows, if allowed into archery season, will promote poaching is very weak. I think that if someone is going to poach, they will use the tool whether it is legal or not. Kinda like saying to a murderer," you can't shoot me with that gun, it isn't registered".
Another thing that is getting to be very clear, this whole disability thing, I didn't realize it was so hard, and quite honestly, degrading to get a disability permit to use a crossbow. The decision makers of this should be ashamed of themselves.
The ABA has drawn a hard line on the crossbow issue, and I respect that, but the way they go to support their arguement sometimes leaves little to be desired IMHO.

I can't see why we couldn't support an inclusion for the crossbow, but if I were the one making this decision, I would do the studies for 5 years or so, after just to see if there is the difference that some claim. As for myself though, I think I am going to pick one of thes rigs up in a shop, and if permitted take it for a test drive, and see for myself, what shooting this medeval weapon is all about. I doubt I would buy one, as I already wave a wonderfull compound, that I have invested heavily in, but at least I would know what they are all about.
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