Thread: Status Natives
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Old 10-16-2013, 10:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Alberta Bigbore View Post
This is a classic comment a i get on a regular basis... even if i sneeze at a native thread. I guess you will just have to suck it up and move along. I was wondering when you would find your opening at me. But thats okay. We are going to get through this together.
I wish you could discuss this fairly, if you want to engage in the conversation that's awesome, but it's kinda hard to have a discussion with a mod who could ban you, I am not looking for a fight but it feels like you are trying to provoke me, sorry it will not work, just trying to talk about an important issue that effects almost all of us if not all of us in this forum. Quit looking for a fight, that's how you shut these threads down, but it won't happen from me, you will have to provoke somebody else. See I can be happy too.