Thread: Status Natives
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Old 10-16-2013, 10:26 AM
Draxx11 Draxx11 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 65

I for one usually stay away from these threads as well. It will always be an issue. Never fails around this time of year the same threads go up about the same bull**** and no, I'm not referring to the OP. As for his question it has been answered in last few posts.

Yes I am treaty and I do exercise my rights. I'm not ashamed of it either. It still shocks me that this day and age this crap still goes on that people need to bash aboriginal people. Yah it does go both ways but more times then not it's going towards my people. Somebody puts up a poaching thread and automatically "must be a native" I do know natives that poach, would I ever do it? Of course not, I enjoy the actual hunt just as much if not more then the animal taken. I also know a lot more non-aborignal people that do in fact poach. It would be funny if you knew how many people wanted me to take an animal the taxidermist for them, or bring me along in case we see a moose..

My father isn't into hunting and I was taken under the wing of my friends family when it came to hunting. They are a Caucasian family and growing up hunting with these fine folks, having great trips hunting and learning the ropes brought me up in a different light of this topic. Joining this site a few years ago really opened up my eyes as to how many people dislike aboriginal hunting. I couldn't believe it.

Funny thing, I was down elk hunting south of suffield base a month ago and I got permission to hunt on a farmers land. He gladly gave me permission even knowing my background, really nice folks down that way may I add. I was successful in harvesting an elk. When he showed up to see what I got he told me I should have taken 2 or 3. I laughed and said "you don't hear that everyday." Then told him 1 is sufficient for me. There isn't really a point to this story, just wanted to share how different some peoples views are on the whole topic.

Anyway that's enough rambling for now.