Thread: Status Natives
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Old 10-17-2013, 02:00 PM
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Originally Posted by canoes View Post
I am just starting the process of getting my status as a law was struck down denying me. I honestly didn't know about hunting rights until a person my wife worked with had told her about it.

I would buy my tags just like I did before I become status. It is such a small amount of money really and only helps all of hunting. I will admit it will be nice to go out a couple of weeks before or after the season.

For me I will treat it for what it is a special privilege because of my heritage. However my father didn't become status till he was 70. Documents were lost in a fire at a church, as well there was no birth certificate for my grandmother. Sometimes there are many flaming hoops to jump through.

Remember there were many things denied to natives, commercial fishing in BC, being able to dispute land claims etc. Over the years there have been more laws denying rights than giving rights.

Just my 2 cents
Well put Larry, and worth more than 2 cents IMHO