Thread: Status Natives
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Old 10-21-2013, 04:23 PM
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Originally Posted by roper1 View Post
IMO we need to remember some of these treaties are 135 yrs old. Clinton & Mulroney signed an agreement 15 yrs ago and it is updated regularly. The treaties were signed by our great, great grandparents generation. I hope my great,great grandchildren are not bound by a contract I make today that is workable today but unlikely to be relevant 135 yrs from now
Sorry, not trying to derail the thread. Just had to reply to this post.

Generational? Careful what contracts you sign.
We have a lease road and wellsite on family land that my grandfather gave Esso Resources a 99 year lease to back in the 1940's. That lease road and wellsite has effected my brother and other land owners now, 60+ years later. Even though the wellsites have since been abandoned. The land was also contaminated with salt water and 60+ years later still requires reclamation. The wells dried up and the oil companies moved on to greener pastures and doing the same all over again somewhere else to someone else. I suspect my families land will still need reclamation for many decades to come. Long after I am gone too.

So contracts or treaties do effect may generations to come. My grandfathers contract will continue to effect many future generations.

I have heard there are morgages in Europe that are generational. Has anyone else heard of generational morgages overseas?

Last edited by Red Bullets; 10-21-2013 at 04:32 PM.