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Old 10-22-2013, 10:52 AM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
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Originally Posted by SmokinJoe View Post
I saw a camp just like this one, devastating, but this one I saw had 2000 men, full kitchen, bathroom, they drove big diesel trucks, and cut down long stretches of trees, and dug big holes in the earth, they threw their garbage all over the place, then they took water from the surface and pushed it down holes where we will never see it again, said it was unfit for human consumption anyway, but would not say how it became that way. The animals there had to move into unfamiliar area, and lots of them did not make it.

I guess I have been away for a while, busy guiding hunts, I read AO every now and then on shower/fuel runs, but f150s and 300s? Most of my cuzzins drive chevies and shoot old 30-30s, but some guys think I should hunt the old ways, ok give me a large territory where there's no roads in this province where I can migrate to good hunting and back to Warmer winters, I will ride my horse around and use a bow, and probably kill more than I do now, because I will need more.

I have been buying tags and applying for draws for these special sheep and elk places, not sure why anymore when you read comments like the one above, if game Populations are that far down we as the Indians should go to the government and have them close more tags to ensure our future generations will have place to hunt. What people don't understand is that as Indians we have the right to hunt, non Indian people have a privilege to hunt,

If we get rid of treaties we will get rid of racism? I doubt that.

If there are some changes that need to be made, it will be made internally, we will impose them on ourselves, but be prepared we will impose the rest of the changes on the privileged hunters,

This is quite an amusing post.

Why is it you have no problems reading AO on a SMART PHONE or COMPUTER while on your FUEL AND HOT SHOWER run?

YOU are no more of a Canadian than anyone else born on Canadian soil.

By your own admission you are as guilty riding the oil train as anyone else here.

The only reason you have RIGHTS to hunting that other Canadians don't have is from an outdated treaty over a century old. I agree with sustenance hunting for all Canadians, so long as the antlers or horns are destroyed and the harvest is registered.

As for your threat of trying to take away hunting privledges, maybe we should take away the rights to all tax funded amenities to those who don't pay taxes?

As for those who think that the hunting camps are a myth, YOUR WRONG. I have seen it first hand, west of Flatbush in the Athabasca river valley before the days of cell phones with cameras. I'm not sure if the nay sayers are naive of in denial but either way I don't care because I know for FACT they are wrong.

Trophy hunting is a game that aboriginal people have the unlimited advantage on, any weapon, any time, any amount, that's where the treaty laws are outdated. Animals are taken under the guise of sustenance but used as trophy. Also it's easy to abuse the sustenance hunting by selling wild game. Mandatory registration of harvest and destruction of scorable trophy attributes such as antlers, horns, skulls, etc would greatly help eliminate any possibility of abuse.